What members sign up to
Members of Biosecurity Taranaki commit to creating a movement of biosecurity champions. They recognise that pests and diseases can devastate the region and that it takes a community to tackle biosecurity threats successfully.
There is no cost to becoming a Biosecurity Taranaki champion. Members undertake to:
- Grow awareness of biosecurity threats and take action to minimise risk
- Understand the potential impacts of biosecurity threats and how to be better prepared.
- Take opportunities to support community, customers, staff, suppliers, volunteers and other stakeholders to understand the importance of biosecurity and what good biosecurity practice looks like.
- Build biosecurity capability
- Be champions within own organisations by integrating proactive biosecurity practices into our governance, operations and supply chains.
- Look for opportunities to share learning and promote resources.
- Protect Taranaki’s future for generations to come
- Provide strong, future-focused leadership.
- Always be ready to take action.
- Be accountable to targets developed.
- Embrace mātauranga Maori of Taranaki’s eight iwi to assist with protecting the Taranaki environment against biosecurity threats
Joining is easy
If you or your organisation wants to become a Biosecurity Taranaki member, just complete the form below and email it to biosecurity@trc.govt.nz. Once your request has been processed you will receive a member’s pack, newsletters, access to a range of resources, and invitations to forthcoming member forums and learning sessions.
If you’d like to find out more before joining, please email biosecurity@trc.govt.nz or phone Chair Willy Harvey on 0272 844 380. There is no cost to signing up, just an undertaking to fulfil members commitments detailed above.
Biosecurity Taranaki member registration form [PDF, 1.5MB]